Past event

Tech Tour

The importance of maritime technology in a geopolitical setting

On February 16, the Young Atlantic Association organized an event in collaboration with Scheepsbouwkundig Gezelschap “William Froude” in Delft titled:

Tech Tour

The world is changing: China is gaining more and more power, the United States is trying to maintain its current position on the world stage and the European Union seems uncertain about the exact stand it wants to take. Only a part of the ships of the Dutch Navy are operationally ready, while we as a trading economy have a considerable interest in stable shipping routes and safe seas.

In this issue, (maritime) technology and politics are irrevocably linked. At the same time, we note that there is little knowledge of the technical aspects among our following, and conversely we note that there is insufficient attention in Delft for the impact of technology on the geopolitical positioning of the Netherlands. With ‘Tech Tour’ we hope to connect these two worlds.

On February 16, we discussed the interconnection between geopolitics and maritime technology in an interactive conversation between Evelien Scheffers (TU Delft), Roy de Ruiter (Royal Netherlands Navy) and Peter van Terwisga (Damen), moderated by Vanessa Newby (Leiden University).

Photo: Shutterstock / AlejandroCarnicero

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