Oud programma

November 3rd and American Foreign Policy – Part II

On October 27, 2020, the Netherlands Atlantic Association organized a hybrid program with Ambassador Nicholas Burns, foreign policy advisor to presidential candidate Joe Biden, themed:

November 3rd and American Foreign Policy – Part II

There is no doubt that four years of Trump-administration have shifted perceptions about the U.S. throughout the world. In Europe e.g., concerns about the American withdrawal from the post-World War II world order it built, have led to increasing calls for European strategic autonomy. On October 27, Ambassador Burns will discuss how the outcome of the U.S. presidential election will influence the direction of American domestic and foreign policy. What kind of image of leadership, or lack thereof, has the U.S. projected in the international system with the current administration’s emphasis on ‘America First’? And what can we expect from either a second Donald Trump presidential term or a Biden-presidency? The Ambassador will also shed his light on the relationship with the European Allies. What pathway does he envision to restore strained alliances? And is strategic autonomy the road ahead for Europe, or just wishful thinking?


Former top diplomat R. Nicholas Burns is currently Professor of the Practice of
Diplomacy and International Politics at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of
Government. He previously served both under Republican and Democratic presidents. For instance, as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and NATO Ambassador under President George W. Bush. Burns will share his views on domestic political turbulence in the United States, the current and future American role on the global stage, and the various post-election scenarios. This program will be moderated by diplomatic expert Robert van de Roer.

Photo: Flickr/Brookings Institution

Foto: Shutterstock/Africa Studio

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