Oud programma

NATO Night 2021: The Next Generation

On April 8, 2021,the Netherlands Atlantic Youth organized:

NATO Night 2021: The Next Generation


The Netherlands Atlantic Youth organized NATO Night 2021: The Next Generation on the 8th of April 2021. On this evening experts discussed the greatest challenges to the Alliance now and in the coming decades. Together with the next generation of transatlantic leaders, we explored the prospects for NATO’s way forward to continue fostering peace and safety worldwide.


As students and young professionals today did not experience the historical events that made the establishment of NATO of great importance, this generation might have a different perspective on the aims and relevance of the organization. Furthermore, new developments in a range of areas such as cyber and geopolitics have created new opportunities and threats. During NATO Night 2021, we invite students and young professionals to get involved in redefining NATO. In line with the plans for NATO 2030, we want to form an idea of how NATO should develop in the coming decade, together with our audience. Both young NATO experts as well as those who are not yet familiar with the ins and outs of NATO but are interested in the Alliance were warmly welcomed!

Watch NATO Night 2021

Speakers at NATO Night 2021

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