Ukraine: What are the military and political challenges for the West?
On Wednesday 7 September 2022, the Netherlands Atlantic Association organizes a program titled:
Ukraine: What are the military and political challenges for the West?
After almost six months since the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Russian aggression continues and the West is being tested in several ways. While, in the past years, Europe and the US have been bickering politically. The Russian invasion in Ukraine created a resurgence of the transatlantic relationship. The West has supported Ukraine politically and militarily in their fight for sovereignty and freedom.
To what extent will the West be able to support the Ukrainian militarily and politically without provoking a serious conflict with Russia? How will Europe and the US deal with Russia after this war is over? Will the West ever tolerate possible new borders in favor of Russia and what will the relationship with Russia look like? If the war drags on, what does this bode for the trans-Atlantic relationship? These and other questions will be discussed in this program.
The Netherlands Atlantic Association invited Robert Adolph and Tony van der Togt to discuss these questions. This program will be moderated by Paul Brill.
Robert Adolph
Adolph is a qualified military strategist who holds master’s degrees in both international affairs and national security studies. He served in the US Army’s Special Forces and Military Intelligence communities. He served with the United Nations in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and at the UN Headquarters in New York City as Chief of the Middle East and North Africa. He taught university level courses in American History and Government, as well as US Foreign Policy and World Politics. Most recently, he served as a consultant team leader in support of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Ukraine.
Tony van der Togt
Van der Togt is Senior Associate Fellow at the Russia and Eastern Europe Center at Clingendael Institute The Hague. He is specialized in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Van der Togt published several publications on Dutch-Russian bilateral relations, Russian foreign policy and Russian-EU relations. Van der Togt studied contemporary history and international relations in Amsterdam, Nijmegen and Leiden.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Details & registration
7 September 2022
Pulchri Studio, The Hague
Doors: 17:00
Program: 17:30-18:30
Reception: 18:30
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