Atlantisch Perspectief

Nummer 3, 2023

This edition of Atlantisch Perspectief looks back at the NATO summit in Vilnius last July. Authors from NATO Headquarters provide insight into the strategic considerations that underpin the summit decisions. With contributions from scholars from Finland, Lithuania and Portugal, it becomes clear how different countries have approached these decisions from a national point of view. The affordability of the new NATO plans is also considered. Finally, China and the Indo-Pacific region are taken into account in light of long-term structural power changes.
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In dit nummer / In this issue:

  • Strengthening NATO in a more unpredictable world: the Vilnius Summit
  • Measured success and lingering concerns: Reflections on a “historic” Vilnius NATO summit
  • NATO, the Southern Flank and the Global South
  • NATO’S Vilnius Summit: the consequences for the allies
  • Finland’s changed geopolitical position
  • The essence of credible deterrence and defense: Resilience and enablement at NATO after the Vilnius summit
  • Vilnius autopsy: not the nineties
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