Atlantisch Perspectief
Nummer 5, 2014
In dit nummer:
- China’s rise and international politics
- Japan’s military response to a shifting strategic environment
- A rising middle power facing a strategic dilemma
South Korea and East Asian Security - Coping with untenable demands
Vietnam and its relations with China - Herstel van trans-Atlantische vertrouwensbreuk?
Internationale betrekkingen na de Snowden-onthullingen - ‘Het doet steeds meer denken aan 1940’
Estland en de Oekraïne-crisis
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Het doet steeds meer denken aan 1940. Estland de Oekraïne-crisis
Historicus Jeroen Bult denkt niet dat parallellen met 1940 de Esten zullen helpen in hun angst voor Rusland. Hij pleit dan ook voor professionalisering van het Estse leger en verdergaande integratie in de NAVO.
Herstel van de trans-Atlantische vertrouwensbreuk? Internationale betrekkingen na de Snowden-onthullingen
Hoogleraar Intelligence and Security Studies Bob de Graaff pleit na de Snowden-affaire voor een trans-Atlantische discussie over inlichtingenwerk.
Coping with untenable demands. Vietnam and its relations with China
To realize its long-development aims, Vietnam must strengthen its position towards its colossal neighbor China. Yet, Vietnam must also not antagonize China.
A rising middle power facing a strategic dilemma. South Korea and East Asian security
South Korea has a strategic dilemma: for its security it relies on the United States. Yet, Seoul has become more reliant on its economic ties with China
Japan’s military response to a shifting strategic environment
As China is increasing its military power, so does Japan. According to Bjørn Elias Mikalsen Grønning, this may lead to a military rivalry.
China’s rise and international politics
According to Jo Inge Bekkevold, the threat of China may be somewhat overestimated. China does largely comply with international norms and keeps its military expenditure relatively low, Bekkevold argues.