Atlantisch Perspectief
Nummer 8, 2012
In dit nummer:
- Mostly sunny, partly cloudy
The transatlantic forecast for the next four years
- The pragmatic president
Obama’s second term foreign policy - Four more years
Presidential-congressional relations in Obama’s second term - Crtl-Alt-Del?
Obama recalibrates the Reset with Russia - U.S.-Israel relations in the aftermath of the elections
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U.S.-Israel relations in the aftermath of the elections
Ariel E. Levite argues that it is very unlikely that a wedge will be driven between the United States and Israel since the bonds between the nations run so deep.
Ctrl-Alt-Del? Obama recalibrates the Reset with Russia
The Reset with Russia steadily lost momentum as Obama’s term progressed, Donald N. Jensen argues. With Putin’s return to power, Jensen expects that bright hopes for the Reset appear to be fading.
Four more years. Presidential-congressional relations in Obama’s second term
Although Republicans have sought to undermine President Obama’s policies in his first term, Erik A. Olsen expects the Republican Party to be more welcome to bipartisan policy making in Obama’s second term.
The pragmatic president. Obama’s second term foreign policy
U.S. President Barack Obama is likely to face new foreign policy issues in his second term. According to Roberta Haar, there will be three main issues, namely: the Middle East, Asia and stabilizing the economy.
Mostly sunny, partly cloudy
According to Chantal de Jonge Oudraat and Michael E. Brown, the transatlantic relationship remains strong, although some divisive issues may grow in importance.