Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief

Too many ways of European defense cooperation

There is an ongoing debate about a “European Army”. At the moment, it is not surprising that many people are puzzled by the developments in this field: two fora, PESCO and EI2, with different scopes and memberships. This article addresses the various forms of European defense cooperation and integration and their progress. Willem van Eekelen acknowledges that progress has been made, but much more remains to be done. He advises to focus on the European capabilities instead of discussing an undefined European Army.


Willem van Eekelen


Opinie, EU, Europese, Militaire, Samenwerking, Opinion, European, Army, Defense, Cooperation, E12, PESCO, 2018, AP6, AP6-2018

Photo: Flickr/Rock Cohen/CC BY-SA 2.0

Too many ways of European defense cooperation

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