Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief

Nuclear weapons and the next United States president

In light of the 2016 United States presidential elections, Adam Lowther and Jeff Blackrick look at what both candidates might have in store for us in terms of a nuclear deterrence and proliferation policy. Furthermore, Lowther and Blackrick recommend deregulating the American production of new warheads and strongly advise against implementing a ‘no first use policy’.


Adam Lowther, Jeff Blackrick


2016, Nuclear Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction, WMD, nucleaire wapens, proliferatie, proliferation, deterrence, afschrikking, Donald J. Trump, Hillary Clinton, START, elections, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Noord-Korea, verkiezingen, AP4-2016

Photo: Flickr/Robert Sullivan/Public Domain

Nuclear weapons and the next United States president

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