Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief
Nuclear myths and Atlantic realities
In a rejoinder to an earlier article of Adam Lowther and Paul Schumacher, Biejan Poor Toulabi questions the maintenance of nuclear weapons on European soil. Not only does Toulabi state that nuclear weapons are an unnecessary hostility towards Russia, namely he also states that nuclear arms can in fact increase the chance of war. Although complete disarmament may seem ‘a distant future’, Toulabi advises to withdraw nuclear arms from Europe.
Biejan Poor Toulabi
2014, Biejan, Toulabi, Rejoinder, Dupliek, Lowther, Schumacher, TNWs, nuclear-triad, nucleaire, triade, US, VS, NATO, NAVO, nuclear, weapons, kernwapens
Foto: Flickr/The Official CTBTO Photostream/CC BY 2.0