Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief

Military mobility yes, but what about A2AD?

Military mobility yes, but what about A2AD?

Karlijn Jans predicts that the upcoming NATO summit will be dominated by the discussion on finances. At the same time, she questions whether NATO has the ability to act and react as the situation demands. During the past months there has been much focus on military mobility. However, one aspect of military mobility that remains undiscussed is the factor of anti-access area denial (A2AD) capabilities. Especially, the increased use of electronic warfare (EW) and cyber-attacks complicates matters further.


Karlijn Jans


Opinie, NAVO, Militaire, Mobiliteit, Opinion, NATO, Military, Mobility

Foto: Flickr/ michael_swan/ CC BY-ND 2.0

Military mobility yes, but what about A2AD?

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