Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief

Humanitarian interventions and hegemonic power. A Gramscian perspective

The belief that a state loses its legitimacy if it fails to protect its citizens from human right abuses, has grown in popularity over time. Neverthelesshistorian Robert van Leeuwen argues that the underlying notion of ‘universalism’ has not remained unchallenged. Using the example of the conflict in Kosovo, Van Leeuwen states that humanitarian intervention carries a normative quality. 


Rob van Leeuwen 


2015, analysis, analyse, human, rights, mensenrechten, Kosovo, Rob, Leeuwen, Antonio, Gramsciintervention, interventie

Foto: Flickr/Sanjitbakshi/CC BY 2.0

Humanitarian interventions and hegemonic power. A Gramscian perspective

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