Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief

 Australia in the Asian Century. Economic dependence amidst increasing strategic uncertainty

If Australia wishes to have a future in ‘the Asian Century’, the country must take more action than it does nowCurrentlythe country relies on the US for its security, yet it also is increasingly economically dependent on China. Professor Christopher B. Roberts sees the Chinese as a threat and calls upon Australia to protect its economy and increase its military expenditureNotably, Robert also advises the Australians to study Asian societies and languages for better engagement with the region.


Christopher B. Roberts


2014, Analysis, Analyse, Christopher, Roberts, Australia, China, economy, ASEAN, economie, Australië, Japan, ANZUS

Foto: Flickr/Nigel Howe/CC BY

 Australia in the Asian Century. Economic dependence amidst increasing strategic uncertainty

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