Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief

A guide for action. Defining the U.S. national interest

In this article from 2013, Adam Lowther and Casey Lucius look at what defines the U.S. national interest. According to Lowther and Lucius, in the two decades since the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States has failed to develop a clearly defined set of vital national interests. This has left too many policy makers and intellectuals in the U.S. in a position to confuse the most likely and most dangerous threats facing the country. For European leaders, this is cause for great concern.


Adam Lowther and Casey Lucius


2013, Adam, LowtherCasey, Lucius. Analysis, AnalyseUS, United, States, National, Interest, Security, Policy, VS, Verenigde, Staten, Strategy, NationaleVeiligheidBelangen

Foto: Flickr/ResoluteSupportMedia/CC BY 2.0 

A guide for action. Defining the U.S. national interest

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