Artikel Atlantisch Perspectief
A Dutch SOCOM. The way ahead to addressing national and international SOF shortfalls
Anne Tjepkema argues that Special Operations Forces (SOF) can provide an adequate military answer to the demands of modern combat operations. As yet, a large number of special forces combat units is not sufficiently supported in the field due to a shortage of enablers and command and control. Therefore, NATO has encouraged its member states to engage in structural reforms regarding the development of special operations forces. This important shortfall of the alliance is addressed by the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark, with the establishment of a Special Operations Command (SOCOM). In this article, Anne Tjepkema provides a detailed overview of the latest developments.
Anne Tjepkema
Analyse, NAVO, Marine, Analysis, NATO, Navy
Foto: Flickr/The U.S. Army/CC BY 2.0
A Dutch SOCOM. The way ahead to addressing national and international SOF shortfalls
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